Welcome to the blog page for Miracles for Melanie. We are going to start the blog with a quick update of what we are currently battling.
Currently, we are “vacationing” in sunny, Sarasota Florida. At least that was the plan. In lieu of Christmas presents this year, the family decided to take a family vacation to check one item off of Melanie’s bucket list. For the past 10 years, she has wanted to visit the Siesta Keys ever since her close friend, Antonella, told her about them. We figured this was the chance. Unfortunately, as soon as we arrived this past Tuesday, Melanie became very sick with nausea, vomiting, extreme lethargy, dehydration and malnutrition. She was admitted to Sarasota Memorial Hospital Thursday morning and we came to find that her calcium was critically high, she was in acute renal failure, and her liver enzymes were elevated. When they did a cat scan, they found her liver was inflamed because it is extremely riddled with cancer. In addition, there is disease progression in her bones and it has now appeared in the lungs.
Upon admitting her, they started giving her medications and fluids and, Thank God, because He is the greatest physician, her levels have started to trend in the right direction. She is much more alert, less lethargic, in less pain, less nauseated and starting to feel better. The next step is to see what can be done to get the cancer under control. A BIG thanks to the staff at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. They have been the most pleasant, helpful, and caring people we have ever encountered in any hospital. Hopefully we’ll be getting out of here in the next day so Melanie can get the chance to dig her toes into the sweet sands of Siesta Keys and enjoy a little Florida sunshine.